31 Aug

Debt Relief MLaw Singapore is a signatory to the 5 principles of the Lions Pact advocated by CSR Lion. For the year of 2022, the team is proud to announce that we have once again fulfilled the required industry objectives for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and have sucessfully procured the 5P Partnership Fund for the use of CSR engagements to support the social and community needs from our industry.

The 5P Partnership Fund is a grant administered by CSR Lion (CSRL) for participating companies of the Lions Pact to develop social initiatives that promote the access to information, knowledge and skills for sustainable development among the local community.

At Debt Relief MLaw Singapore, we believe that when a nation has a financially healthy population it reduces the pressure on governments to support the retiring population and leads to inclusive growth which decreases levels of poverty, inequality and social exclusion.

With the introduction of the CSR assistance grant, debtors may now apply for a one-off subsidy of $350 to get help with their advisory and legal fees to offset their advisory and legal fees when opting for Debt Repayment Scheme (DRS). To qualify for the grant, debtors are required to complete the E-learning initiative by first downloading the eBook, 'Murphy's Law on Finances', and then going through the interactive budgeting tools in the eBook with a personal case manager.

Download your eBook and get your assistance grant HERE

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