*The Credit Card payment option is strictly for payments of our advisory fee from clients of Debt Relief MLaw, Singapore.
Donations by Business Associates are to be done strictly via Bank Transfer only.
Clients are to be advised that payments of our advisory fee via Credit Card shall incur a 5% terminal fee, imposed by the ePOS terminal, to be absorbed by the clients.
CSR Lion Sustainable Development Goals:
Debt Relief MLaw, Singapore supports the Lions Pact by CSR Lion and is working to end poverty, protect our local communities, and ensure prosperity for all.
Matching Gift Program by Debt Relief MLaw, Singapore :
Business associates of Debt Relief MLaw, Singapore may take advantage of a company match for their private personal donations to our nonprofit partner, CSR Lion strictly via bank transfer only. Restrictions apply.
For more information, please email csr.mlaw@debtrelief.sg